June 20th – June 22nd

>>TONINTON<< is an annual exhibition for visual arts and music, organized by the student council of art education and musicology at the Leipzig University. Originally created to foster closer connections between both of these academic disciplines, the exhibition brings together works that engage in an artistic dialogue based on the principle of inspiration and reaction.



For several years now, the project has been open not only to students, but to anyone who is interested in participating in artistic exchange. All participants can freely choose whether to contribute an original work, or to respond to the work of a randomly assigned partner from the other discipline.


Over a period of two months, new auditory or visual works are created that reflect, process, or extend the themes of existing works. The presentation of the results then offers visitors a multi-sensory exhibition space for three days. Over an entire summer weekend, a platform for interdisciplinary artistic exchange is created, featuring live contributions, and access to a beautiful outdoor area to hang out and take in some culture.




A Boundary is the place where something ends and something else begins.


This year we decided on a thematic direction: The theme ”Boundaries“ is not intended to limit your creative process, rather it is intended to create new ideas and inspiration. Use this term in your own way.

As every year, TON IN TON should be a place that thrives on the combination of art and music - but also explores the boundaries of different media and topics.